Take the measurements around the horses head, to the same point on the other side, for the noseband, headpiece split to split, throatlash and browband.
The Split to Split on the Headpiece (Where the wide poll leather spits into the 2 hangers) measurement is the first one to take. The point for the measurement is 3/4" below the base of the ear. EVERYONE gets this measurement wrong and they are always too short!
The Cheekpiece Buckles must NOT be higher than eye-level to avoid compromising the TMJ and the measurement must be taken with the current bridle on and with the bit that is to be used attached and in the mouth in the correct position. Measure only the LEATHER part, not including the buckles. Most people measure this part too LONG!
The Browband must be long enough to allow the Headpiece to sit back, away from the rear bulge of the back of the ear and includes the 'Loops'.
The Noseband is measured all around the nose at a point about 2 fingers wide BELOW the bottom of the Facil Crest - looks like the front part of the cheekbone. Add 2" to this measurement.
The Throatlash is measured from a poing just above the cheekpiece buckle, around the back of the cheeks, to the same point at the other side. Include the hanger loops.
Email or ring me to size the individual parts.
WHEN YOU FIRST FIT THE BRIDLE, DO NOT FASTEN THE BUCKLES OR SLIDE THE BROWBAND ON THE HEADPIECE!! Both actions will mark the headpiece and you will not be able to return it.!!!
Instead. slide the hangers onto the keepers, as I cannot accept any returns with Buckle marks or popper scratches on them!!!
If you are unsure, for a Bridle fitter in your area, please click HERE.
Tel. 01757 288022 or 01759 369543
Email [email protected]
The Photo I Need
If you send a photo of your horse in the current bridle, it must be EXACTLY like this one - head in the ridden position, soft contact, ears forward, camera pointed at mid cheek.
The photo must be with the bit that you are going to use.
I need one both with and without the browband and from both sides.

This is where the Cheekpiece Buckles must be - no higher.
WHEN YOU FIRST FIT THE BRIDLE, DO NOT FASTEN THE BUCKLES!!! Instead. slide the hangers onto the keepers, as I cannot accept any returns with Buckle Marks on them!!!
Tel. 01757 288022 or 01759 369543
Email [email protected]

This is the Split to Split.
WHEN YOU FIRST FIT THE BRIDLE, DO NOT FASTEN THE BUCKLES!!! Instead. slide the hangers onto the keepers, or slide the browbands up or down the headpiece, as I cannot accept any returns with Buckle Marks on them!!!
Tel. 01757 288022 or 01759 369543
Email [email protected]